Well who would have thought I'd have something to post about not even 24 hrs after my debut. The powers at be are definitely punishing me for what I posted about pregnancy and motherhood. Up at eff-off o'clock with Cooper cleaning up vomit from him and his bed. FYI spaghetti bol and 2 sipper cups of milk pre-bed on a gastro stomach does not make for a pretty picture, or smell for that matter. So mother off the year, cleaned him up and put him in bed with us because I was too lazy to change his bed, only for him them to throw up all over my side of the bed and naturally all over the only part of the sheets and dooner that were not covered with a towel or rags. I managed to rid the sheets of the chunks and drown it in fabric mist to make-do for Zach (my partner) for the night. I inevitably had to set up camp for Coop and myself in the lounge room. Of course, the sleep fairy decided I was done for the night and eventually I mustered enough energy to re-make Coopers bed. And finally after a few hours of staring at the ceiling I drifted off. Only to be woken again by a barking dog who was lucky she survived what was left of the night and then woken again at 4.30am when Zach got up for work.
So here I am, 3.5 hours of sleep under my belt and two full loads of washing vomit off sheets and towels and one very sick little man later. I still have another full load, I've just run out of room to hang it all. Ah the joys! But in all seriousness, it is a horrible feeling not being able to do anything to help your child when sickness takes hold. Feeling completely useless and being able to offer nothing but a hug, a kiss and reassuring words tugs heavily at any parents heart strings.
Which brings me to my next point. A few people commented on my first post that I have now offered the world a new form of contraception! It was not my intention to scare anybody off parenthood. But if I'm doing the world a favour and making people think twice before they "do it" then so be it. Being a parent is not something for the feint-hearted or weak-stomached. It takes time, effort, lots of money and plenty of patience. Don't let my stories of a terrible pregnancy and vomit and poo deter you from the amazingness of children. It really is my greatest accomplishment in life and I wouldn't change it for the world. Except maybe make the actual pregnancy all sunshine loppypops and glowing-goodness like its portrayed! I can't wait to do it all again, stretch-marks, morning sickness, childbirth, leaking over-inflamed nipples and sleep deprived nights and lets not fail to mention the hormones, dirty nappies and tantrums. The end result and good times far out-weigh the bad stuff. But dear god please let my next offspring be a girl. A pretty, dainty, flower-loving girl that can sit still and be quiet for 5 minutes without destroying my entire house, getting dirty or swinging from the ceiling fan if they are left alone for 10 seconds. Please and thanks.
HA!! You wish jellyfish! My girl is not as described above. She drags the cat across the floor, tries to eat his food, mashes watermelon into her hair and bashes the coffee table with the best of them! But there's no way I would swap her for anything :D Hope Coops feels better soon & u can get some sleep xo