Thursday, 6 December 2012

And so this is Christmas!

Well here we are, December 2012. Only 15 days till the world ends. Hopefully we make it to Christmas!! I've spent too much money this year to be happy about dying a slow and miserable death because the world decides to destroy itself. So world, if you could at least hold off until December 26th that would be appreciated.. K thanks.

Anyway, it's Christmas!!! Hands down my most favourite time of year. I live for this shit. I'm talking Christmas floor mats, tea towels and even oven mitts, its decorations galore. My house could pass as the North Pole, minus the fact its literally a sauna in here and roughly around the 700 degree Celsius mark - with the aircons on.

Each year I tell myself I'm going to budget. I got this. Saving dollars yeah right. I am that big kid in the toy shop. I want it all. And most of the time I buy it all too. Now my credit card is about to spontaneously combust from over-use and its only 2 months old. Cue delivery of rates, electricity bill and gas bill. Merry effing Christmas Megan!

So this year Miss Organisation decided to put on a Christmas toy lay-by to be picked up on Dec 1st from KMart. ROOKIE ERROR. I fought every man, woman, dog and child through the decorations isle at the cheap shop (Scrooge I know) and then again at the lay-by counter. Luckily I had my mumma on deck to help with the kidlet and thank goodness for Donut King who can keep my childs mouth quiet with a big fat choc coated donut for 10 minutes. We conquered that shopping centre in record time. Well I did while mother dealt with kid. Amen sista! And as if I hadn't had enough of the hustle and bustle and complete and utter ignorance of people, I decided to take Cooper to see Santa a few days later.

I thought this year was going to be a good one. Cooper had told me on several occasions he wanted to see Santa and give him a big kiss and hug. Sweet, we're totally good this year. Waiting in line for half an hour it was finally our turn. Thats when Cooper decided that he actually wasn't going to go near Santa. Too late kid, it's now or never! After some idiocy on my behalf trying to get him to firstly take his hands off his ears and onto his knee, my next task was getting him to smile. I ended up paying $20 for a photo of Santa with Cooper sitting 30cm away with the biggest frown on his face. Thanks kid. Sorry family, thats all you get this year! Only two paragraphs ago I was saying how much I loved Christmas. I still do! Not including people in shopping centres and Santa photos. That still counts right?

No but seriously, I'm completely in love with buying presents. I love how it makes me feel and I love when people are surprised and thankful for the gift I've meticulously bought. And the fact that I get presents too is a pretty good excuse to be totally in love with this time of year. I love the fruit, lychees and plums yum yum! I love the food, rumballs, short bread and chocolate coated almonds get in my belly. I can almost foresee the scales on December 27th growing legs and running away at the sight of me approaching. Sigh!

So with magic elf and glass of milk in hand, I must turn in for the night. All this Christmas talk has worn me out. I need sleep, I am half way through the dreaded task of present wrapping. 7 meters of paper and 2 whole rolls of sticky tape down and I'm only half way there. Oh and just incase the fat man himself is reading this, this year I'd love some more perfume - Viktor Rolf Flower Bomb, a facial, a massage and some vouchers to clothes stores would be greatly appreciated. Or anything involving red wine and chocolate. I promise I've been a good girl this year, and I'm working on the swear words. Promise!

As I call it a night I'll leave you with a little something I read earlier that I'm sure all of you can definitely relate to:

"Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I'd like a fat bank account and a skinny body. Lets not get the two mixed up like you did last year. "